Your Friday gentle reminder

Silje_NorendalHello this is your Friday gentle reminder. It is quite a widespread opinion that the main reason of Instargam’s overwhelming success is its mobile nature. Almost two centuries have passed after daguerreotypes with their enormous silver-covered plates and age-long exposures were trendy, and, happily, the technological progress have brought us much easier and faster ways to take pictures. But Instagram made something nobody else seemed to be thinking about, it made it possible to not just take a photograph on-the-go, but to spread it around the world in a split-second.

That’s why the mobility is what we care about so much. As a service aimed at saving your precious time, fast-unfollow must be available at all times, this is why we made it so independent from the device you’re currently using. All you need is a browser on a stationary or mobile device to start unfollowing, but while the project is running you may be sleeping at your day work, pranking people at a grocery store or chilling in Himalayas – we’ll get the work done. Enjoy this beautiful winter, get into a snowball fight, rest by the fireplace, warm up with hot cocoa – and let us deal with your unfollowers. Good luck!

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